A Global Provider of Solutions and Services to Secure the Internet of Things
Internet of Things
Eonti works to protect and promote interconnectivity across the IoT.
In a time where more and more technology is integrated in your home for ease of use, it is important that each device is completely secure, because each device represents an access point into your home. Eonti provides innovative solutions that protect your smart system without compromising the convenience it offers.
Case Study
Smart Home
Device Authority
To protect home networks, Eonti has partnered with Device Authority, combining our network and PKI expertise with Device Authority's first class verification standards.
Case Study
Connected Car
Fiat Chrysler Auto
Eonti and the FCA worked together to improve the security of its vehicles across the globe.
Eonti provides audits and solutions for the increasingly interconnected transportation industry. From better security on connected cars, to safe airport communications, Eonti's expertise ensures the even when you leave home, travel is safe as houses.
Smart Grids allow for streamlined power usage in any and every application. By removing the burden of verification from both consumers and utilities, companies with Smart Grid can offer streamlined services that save both time and money.
Case Study
Smart Grid
Charge Point
In concert with Charge Point, Eonti has created a standard that allows for secure, card-less charging of electric vehicles around the world.
See What Eonti Can Do First Hand
Cybersecurity Consulting
Eonti provides industry-leading cyber security and PKI services for clients and companies around the globe.
Eonti partners with industry leading ecosystems around the world, providing digital certificates and PKI management services comprised of best practices.
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